Greetings from a new member:

I think this is an important time to assess developments in e-collections and their tools and communicate with publishers.

The following is an invitation to take an e-collections publisher survey. If you do a keyword search (Bloomsbury Academic) in CUNY+, you will see what CUNY owns and try out their e-books. This survey gives us the opportunity to give specific critiques of e-book collections and their tools for research and teaching. In this same survey, we can critique not only the Bloomsbury collection but also others they are competing with.

I believe that we need to start of formal process to define what researchers and educators need with assessments of what is currently available (what works and what does not) and what specific access features and tools we need to be effective in our work.

This survey looks like a good opportunity.


Jean-Jacques Strayer (Hunter College Libraries)


Dear Colleague
Complete our Survey for Chance to Win £100 / $150 of Bloomsbury Books
Bloomsbury is planning a new online resource, Bloomsbury Collections, which will allow scholars and students to access e-book collections of academic monographs via their institution. This project is still at an early stage of development, but the digital publishing team at Bloomsbury are very keen to ensure that the platform is built around the needs of researchers and students, and are therefore looking for feedback from scholars in the humanities and social sciences.
The resource will follow on the success of Bloomsbury’s existing academic resources (Berg Fashion Library, Churchill Archive and Drama Online) and will include scholarly materials relevant for Philosophy, Literary Studies, Education, Classics, Linguistics, History, Politics and Sociology, Biblical Studies, Theology and Religious Studies, with more subjects to follow in future phases. If you would like to help inform key decisions in Bloomsbury’s product development, please visit to answer a questionnaire, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
As a thank you, your name will be entered into a prize draw to win £100 / $150 of Bloomsbury books – please be sure to include your email address on the survey.

Please also forward this email to any colleagues who might be interested. If you would like more information about the project, please don’t hesitate to contact me. The survey closes 23 June 2013.

Matt Kibble

Digital Publisher, Bloomsbury

[email protected]

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Interesting development e-books



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I wasn’t looking for you but thank you for finding me

The Lehman eLibrary was launched in the Fall 2010 semester. It was first started as just an e-reader project the previous semester, Spring 2010, when the Leonard Lief Library at Lehman College was only lending out its 10 Sony Readers. There was no content then, just the e-readers. However, the library has since signed a contract with OverDrive, a provider of digital content, and its eLibrary service has transformed in a very good way to meet the demands of the college’s students.

Most people on campus, however, don’t know that the Lehman eLibrary exists. Some steps have been taken in trying to market this new service, such as including a banner into the library website’s rotating header image and making eLibrary bookmarks available at all service desks & near the elevators. This semester, with the Lehman eLibrary project newly placed in my hands, I’m hoping to launch a more aggressive marketing plan:

  • Create a promotional video, made in the stop-motion style, to be displayed on the library’s and college’s websites
  • Install a stand-up demo terminal (a la Best Buy or any major electronics retailer, really) just inside the library to give students hands-on experience with an e-reader
  • Collaborate with the English department to create a pilot project in which every student in a class gets an e-reader instead of having to purchase/borrow each book individually
  • Discuss the possibility of letting e-readers go outside the library with Head of Access Services (currently, e-readers are an in-house loan only)
  • Mention the eLibrary during the library’s regularly scheduled information literacy classes
  • Set up a booth at the New Student Orientation Resource Fair to hand out information & flyers/bookmarks, as well as demo an e-reader

Some of these goals were proposed by the project’s previous leader (@shavelka) and may be too ambitious to be carried out during a single semester but I’ll do my best.

Do you find that your campus is aware of your library’s e-book/e-reader project? How do you [plan to] market your library’s e-reader/e-book service?

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Please use this blog to document your experiences with e-books and/or e-readers at your library.

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